Iris Schneider

I have been a journalist since the early 70’s when, as a young elementary school teacher and avid photographer, I submitted a story idea to the New York Times. With my first walk through the newsroom, I was hooked. I loved the energy, the excitement, the purpose I sensed there and it became my life’s work to document life in all its diversity. I began my career freelancing for the New York Times and eventually spent 27 years as a staff photographer at the Los Angeles Times. I have covered everything from politics to poverty, hoping to shed light on issues that affected people and communities.

Since leaving the Times in 2007, I have been a regular columnist at LAObserved, a blog about Los Angeles, covering arts and culture. I have followed Bruce Lisker since his exoneration in 2009 for the crime of murdering his mother. He was wrongfully imprisoned for 26 years and I was privileged to document his re-entry into society.

I have worked as a photographer, writer and photo editor on a wide variety of projects in and around Los Angeles and continue to indulge my curiosity about life and people.